I’m sure you’ve heard terms like Reiki, Energy Healing, Akashic Records, Tapping, Hypnosis or Psych-K, just to name a few. There are so many modalities available. Or maybe you haven’t and are wondering what in the world I’m talking about!
We are all made of energy. Energy is not static. It’s constantly moving and changing. Thoughts, our environments, other people, even the food we eat affects our energy. Just think about this. If you go for a walk by the ocean, how do you feel? Do you suddenly feel lighter, more free, happier? There’s a reason. Nature, specifically water and salt are incredibly purifying for our energy. Or maybe you walk into a room where an argument just took place. You may feel heavy, dense energy and less open.
Whether you know it or not, you pick up on the energy that surrounds you.
So what is energy healing and how does it help?
Energy healing clears, unblocks and balances the energy in our body and the energy field surrounding our body so energy can flow smoothly. Sometimes we know what these blocks are—hurt feelings, unpleasant memories, and limiting beliefs. Sometimes they’re subconscious. Either way, we must remove them to change our lives.
It requires an open mind and willingness to remember and feel the painful emotions, beliefs, and experiences, so they can be resolved. You must desire to change and also have dedication to yourself, your healing, and lifestyle changes.
Energy healing goes deep. Like, real deep.
You may try energy healing because you are feeling not yourself. A bit scattered and want to manage your energy and get back to feeling good. But, when you get into your session, old stories you haven’t thought about in years may suddenly come back to you.
That energy that was stuck in your solar plexus may be tied to an old story of being told to be quiet, do as you’re told and just be like other kids. Or maybe it’s holding on to the need to be in control of your life because you had a chaotic childhood.
That constant knot in your shoulder might be where you hold onto burdens. Your burdens and maybe even taking on others. This can prompt you to look at what you could start letting go. Negative talk? Old ways of being that are keeping you from moving forward on your path?
Energy healing can heal the stories, the traumas, the beliefs we are holding onto that no longer serve, which then allows the energy centers to be more opened and balanced, leaving you feeling more calm, like you’ve returned to yourself, like you no longer need to sweat the small stuff.
Some of the areas you turn to energy healing to help solve may clear up quickly. Other blocks or patterns can take multiple sessions to break through because they may lie deeper in your subconscious. There may be layers and layers to work through. There may also be some things that you didn’t realize were affecting your life that come to the surface to be healed.
One of the most amazing aspects of energy healing is that your energy field will guide the way. It will show what is ready for healing now. You may also experience some triggering situations or patterns coming up for you in the days leading up to your energy healing session. This is simply your energy calling in what needs to brought up to be healed.
Pretty cool, huh?
If this post has brought up any questions for you, let me know in the comments below, send an email to jana@moonrisesoul.com or book your complimentary 15 minute call with me.