
Connecting to Your Intuition

A question I get asked a lot is, how do I connect with my intuition? 

I recently was chatting with a friend about feeling disconnected from my intuition, and it's usually something that comes quite easily from me, but that week I was feeling like I was having trouble connecting and I was having trouble hearing. As soon as that conversation ended. I decided to spend a little bit of time reading my book, and the chapter that I opened my book up to was talking about ways to strengthen your intuition. 

So of course I had to laugh a little bit because that was what I had asked for. I had said, “I don't know what I need to do to be connecting back to my intuition”, and it fell into my lap, all the answers. And of course there are answers that I knew, but I just needed to hear someone else say them. 

So, a couple tips for you to connect to your intuition. 

First one, always my number one is to meditate. Whatever that looks like for you. Maybe it’s a guided meditation. Or listening to some nature sounds for a few minutes and just focusing on your breath, or maybe it is just sitting in stillness and really focusing on your heart, or focusing on your breath, or just being mindful of the thoughts that are popping into your head and pushing them away, just letting them go, just observing. 

Number two, which is also incredibly powerful, is to get out in nature. Go for a walk. Get outside in the trees, if you happen to live close to trees or go to the beach. Depending on where you live just get outside and connect with nature. If you can, the best way to connect with nature, is to have bare feet and bare hands in the ground, touching the dark touching the grass. Whether  it's gardening, or if it's just walking around barefoot for a few minutes, just really grounding and connecting to nature that can really help bring you back to your intuition. 

Other ways of connecting is to ask for little signs. The sign for me was saying, I am feeling like I'm not connecting to my intuition and  I need some help here, and then opening that book to exactly what I needed to read. It could be thinking of someone, and then bumping into them. It could be saying “show me a caterpillar”, and you happen to see one on a book or on your walk. 

So, asking for that sign. It just makes you aware. It makes you notice all of the little details that you might not be noticing. 

Being creative is a really good way to connect with your intuition. So, whether that is writing, singing, painting, dancing, even playing on a swing set or going to the park can really help move some energy and get you out of your head and make room to hear what your intuition is telling you.

You can also journal or free write after you do a meditation. Free writing is just writing and not not focusing on what you're saying, not caring about the spelling, not caring about whether your writing is neat, or messy, just write and write and write and fill up pages and see what comes out. 

Do more things that you love, more things that light you up. I like to make a list of those things, the things that you could spend hours doing and not even notice the time ticking away. Make a list of those things and when you're feeling out of sync, go back to that list and do some of those things to just really get you out of your head and get you into like a really nice flow.

Listen to your gut. Noticing, how does it feel in my body? Does it feel right in my tummy? Does it feel right in my heart? For me, one of the guides from my body when I'm on the right track is, I will often get goosebumps from head to toe and it's not the same as when you're cold getting goose bumps. It's like that full body shiver from head to toe. And that's my intuition's way of saying, keep going, you're on the right path.

It's also really important to take action on the messages that you do receive. Often our intuition will keep delivering the same message over and over and over until we start taking action. So if you are receiving messages, but doing nothing with those messages, you might be stuck in a bit of a holding pattern with your higher self. Start taking action so that your intuition can give you your next breadcrumb, give you the next clue push you forward, on to the next thing that your soul wants you to be learning. 

Another really effective tool is to ask your intuition some questions and use muscle testing or use a pendulum, which I go into a lot of detail about in another video. 

Those are my favorite ways to really connect back with your intuition, whether it's connecting back or whether it's just starting to connect to your intuition. Give those a try. You're going to have your favorites, the ones that work best for you or your go to’s. But these are all highly effective tools for connecting to your intuition. Give them a shot let me know what ones are your favorite and which ones you use most often. I’d love to hear your experience.