💚 Heart 💚
This is the fourth chakra of the seven main chakras. It's located at the heart center. This is our source of love and connection. This chakra is where the lower three chakras, connected to the material or physical world unite with the upper three chakras connected to the spiritual world.
When you are balanced in this chakra, you feel accepting, compassionate, tolerant, loving of yourself and others, trusting. When out of balance, you might feel lonely, jealous, unforgiving, or critical.
My favorite way to get back into balance is to meditate. Focus on receiving love from the universe. Feel it filling up your heart space until it flows out of you. Practice self-care. Whatever that ritual looks like for you. Accept people for who they are and where they are at. You can even say in your head “I accept you exactly as you are” if you are feeling triggered by someone.
Other ways are through mantras. The heart mantra is "I love".
- I love myself
- I love you
- I love everything about myself
- I love and accept you/myself
Food can also help. Since the color green is associated with the heart, eat lots of green fruits and veggies, such as kale, broccoli, kiwi, and avocados.
I've got so much more to share on this topic. If you have a specific chakra related question you'd like answered, let me know.