Morning habits update - II

OK, well I’m a week later than I said I would be. I traveled east to see my family for a week and then returned home to a sick family for the good part of the next week.  But here’s where I’m at…

Morning routine, who??? The only consistent seemed to be coffee. And sleep. That’s a pretty serious non-negotiable for me. I’m not my best self if I don’t get at least 8 hours. Before I left to see family I told myself the days were going to look like X,Y,Z. They actually looked more like H, D, S. All over the place!! But, that’s ok. I prioritized squeezing in as much quality time with as many people as I could. And I did! 

On my flight home, I was listening to a “Human Design” podcast and remembered that I have inconsistent energy. I’m not meant to be doing things the same way every day. I’m meant to be tuning into what feels the most supportive for me in the moment. And while I wish I would have been better with my water intake (Saskatchewan is so damn dry this time of year!!) and getting out for a walk (I’m not really a winter person), I don’t really feel bad about letting everything slip. I had the best trip back home that I’ve had in a long time! I got to celebrate my niece turning 5. I got to visit with my 97 year old Grandpa. I went down some branches of the family tree that I didn’t know existed (right, Aunty Heather?!)

So, while I’ve loved this experiment, I think I’m going to throw a routine out the window and just see what feels good for me in the moment. 

I will keep water or herbal tea, cuz being hydrated and getting a good sleep is a spiritual practice!! 

Meditation, but whenever I feel like it throughout the day. 

Movement, on nice days that means outside. Gotta take advantage of every rain free day in Vancouver we get. 

Journaling on my voice note app, anytime something comes up. I like having something to look back on and see how much I stressed over something that was not actually a big deal or those little pings of inspiration and how they unfolded.

I did add in one more thing. I am not a breakfast person. Sometimes I will, but hours after waking up. I decided to have a piece of fruit in the morning if I’m not going to have breakfast for a while. Usually with my second coffee. That has made a big difference in my energy levels in the morning. Makes me feel less jittery and spacy, too. I never would have tried it had I not started experimenting with what makes me feel good throughout the day. 

If you’ve got a super dialed in morning routine, that’s fabulous. If you don’t and have been having trouble sticking to one, maybe give yourself a bit of room to experiment. You could have a couple of non-negotiable pillars for your day. One thing for your body (healthy food, movement), one thing for your mind (journaling, learning one new word in a foreign language), one thing for your soul (meditation, nature walk). Or maybe you say the mornings are for you, until 10am. No work, no meetings, only things that fill you up. You could wake up, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself “what would feel good for me this morning?” 

Any way you choose to try, just give yourself the freedom to experiment, to say something doesn’t work for you and tweak or let go of it all together. This is how I’m trying to do life now. Like it’s all a big experiment and there’s no failing, just playing. Doesn’t that feel so much more expansive to also give yourself that permission?

xx Jana