I have been feeling quite triggered lately by a lot of the language and the stories in the wellness world. So many of the people working in this industry would have you buy into their programs and their work through a lack mentality, through scarcity, through “you’re not enough” kind of words. Even writing this, I can feel the heat rising in my chest. I can feel my throat tightening (which is always a sign of “use your damn voice to say what is on your heart”) and it makes me feel pretty emotional.
How dare someone else say you’re not whatever enough and that they have the solution.
How dare anyone make you feel less than.
How dare these people make you feel shame, feel like you’ll be good enough when you get to some point way off in the distance.
Nope. I’m over that.
There’s an entire industry built on this mindset. And making you feel bad about yourself. I’ve experienced it first hand and know so many others that have too.
What if we decided to accept ourselves fully, right where we are. How radical! And believe me, this isn’t to say that where we are right now is where we are going to stay forever. That’s boring. And change and growth is beautiful and powerful and what we came to this earth to do. What I’m saying is that it’s ok to say to ourselves this is where I’m at right now and I fully love and accept myself. I know that I want to grow in this area or be a better XYZ, but I will get there. And ENJOY THE DAMN JOURNEY!!!!
We can get so wrapped up in “healing” and “doing the work” and “looking at our shadows” that we forget to actually live and play and have fun and enjoy our life. Taking a break from constantly doing the work is also hella important. We need time to let that work settle into our bodies. To get comfortable with everything we’ve shed or learned or changed.
Here’s some super simple swaps if any of this is resonating for you.
If you always read self-help type books, put those down for a while and read some good ol’ fluff. A trashy beach novel is good for the soul every now and then.
If you are only thinking about how far you are from where you want to be, cut that out and take a look at how far you have come. Celebrate that!
If you are someone who works out super hard, maybe swap out a down party for a HIIT class once in a while.
I encourage you to start being kinder to yourself. To your journey. To see where you’ve come from, and be excited for where you want to go. GIve yourself grace to pivot and to let go of what no longer feels good. And tune into that. What feels good to ME?!? Forget about anyone else and their journey. What is it that makes you feel good, feel alive, feel JOY? And do more of that.
Find people to help you along the journey that make you feel good. That help you tune into you. There is not a one size fits all approach to anything. We are all so beautifully unique that there just couldn't be. And, like I always say, you know you better than anyone else. Don’t outsource that power. Find those teachers, those healers, those guides that help you make your way back to know yourself deeper.