Chakra Talk - SACRAL

🧡 Sacral chakra 🧡  ⁠⁠

This is the second chakra of the seven main chakras. It's located above the pubic bone and below the belly button. This is where creativity and sexuality flow from. ⁠⁠

When you are balanced in this chakra, you feel creative, playful, in flow and deeper intimate connections.. When out of balance, you might feel unmotivated, lacking in creativity, guilt, a fear of intimacy and even some physical symptoms like lower back and hip pain. 

⁠My favorite way to get back into balance is to move. Dance, play, hula hoop or move your hips in figure 8’s. Just flow! Don’t worry about if it looks good or not. Have fun. You could also try coloring, painting or writing. If you are musically inclined, play a couple tunes.

⁠Other ways are through mantras. The sacral manta is "I feel". ⁠

- I feel creative
- I feel worthy
- I feel complete
- I feel free to express my emotions
- I feel free to express my sexuality 

⁠Food can also help. Since the color orange  is associated with the sacral chakra, eat lots of orange fruits and veggies, such as mangos, carrots and oranges. Salmon is also a good food for your sacral chakra. ⁠

I've got so much more to share on this topic. If you have a specific chakra related question you'd like answered, let me know. ⁠